My happiest memories of growing up on a farm in Ohio center around being outdoors where my senses were alive and I felt free. During my diverse careers as a high school art teacher, an owner of a successful restaurant business and now a holistic practitioner, I have consistently returned to Nature for comfort and renewal. In her presence my body relaxes, my mind grows quiet. When I clear land, I feel that I am spreading this peace and freedom to others.
In the 1980s, I heard of chi (ki) energy, the life force that animates all things. On my own, I began experimenting with this natural energy through visualization, touch and meditation. I then found that I could move through challenges with greater ease. I also experienced many positive changes in my body. The most dramatic being the spontaneous healing of a chronic back injury from a car accident. I knew I was onto something life-changing.
Reiki training further cleared my energy and gave me the structure I needed to bring my personal healing experience into the world. My healing practice has been growing and evolving—beginning in Portland, Maine, in 1995, and continuing on my farm in Ohio, since 2019.
Several years ago when I was introduced to EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)—a blend of acupressure and gentle inquiry into truth—I was struck by the power and simplicity of it. I further explored EFT through Tapping into Wealth coach training and began to shed my old limiting beliefs. As a result, I was empowered with new confidence and passion for my life and my business, and my financial situation miraculously improved! Now the wisdom of EFT, Reiki and Energy Medicine moves through all parts of my life and practice.
As I lighten the load of limiting beliefs and old conditioning, I am aware that my body is an incredible biofeedback system. It has an innate wisdom that knows which people, places, food and choices are beneficial for me. This information is my inner GPS that helps me navigate through life. I am dedicated to helping my clients connect with their own inner guidance and live with empowerment.
And just how do you pronounce my name? “SHAR-lee.”