Reiki (pronounced RAY-key) is an ancient form of hands-on healing that promotes physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. “Rei” is loosely translated as universal wisdom and “ki” refers to the life force energy that animates all things. Many experience Reiki as unconditional love or a warm ease in their body. Its flow releases tension, recharges vital energy and allows innate wisdom to emerge.
Clients lie fully clothed on a massage table.
Would you like the warm ease and deep healing of Reiki available to you at any time? You can learn to do Reiki on yourself (and others) via one of my classes.
I was on pain pills for a back injury when I came to Charli for treatment. I felt warmth in my body and some relief from pain. To my surprise, the pain continued to diminish and by the end of the week I no longer had to take pain medication. The session with Charli was the impetus I needed for my healing.