Thank you, Charli, for the distance session. The next day the vertigo was gone and I was able to start my semester in good shape.
Charli has completely changed my life! Using Reiki, energy medicine, tapping and other modalities in her toolbox, she has aided me in healing the traumas that were taking over my body and my true self. She has helped me to uncover the authentic me.
The process was subtle, shifts happening in my head and solar plexus. The stuck feeling I had had for months was leaving. The next day I awoke to a greater lightness of being and clarity. I don’t know exactly what goes on in these quiet sessions, but it is remarkable, powerful and positive.
Charli is an amazing healer and energy worker. I have worked with many healers and spiritual teachers; her work is the most grounded—while at the same time, expansive—that I’ve ever experienced. Her intuition and love vibration together provide a container for healing that is safe enough to hold anything that comes up. She’s powerful, loving and thorough, taking lots of time to get through whatever needs to be cleared and integrated. I’m so grateful for Charli and I highly recommend her work.
The deepest relaxation this side of sleep.
In the past, instead of dealing with issues, I have buried them and as a result have suffered from anxiety for years, as long as I can remember actually. You’ve helped remove so many past traumas from my mind and body, and this has given me such a sense of peace. I am very, very grateful.
The session was powerful, your understanding and vision brilliant.
After my mother’s death, my sessions with Charli were a wonderful balm for my grief. My mother’s presence and love felt palpable to me in several of the sessions, reassuring me of her well-being and helping to dissolve any feeling I was holding of concern and guilt about our relationship before she died. I highly recommend Charli’s healing work for anyone seeking renewal of body and soul. Charli emanates love in her work and is a positive, loving presence in the life of anyone who works with her.
My tapping session was amazing! A friend’s remark had upset me and a “tape” of the remark played almost constantly in my head along with my hurt, confused and angry feelings. After the tapping session, I felt peaceful and the incident seemed unimportant. Two days later, a replay of the remark came through my head, but instead of being upset, I felt curious and thought, “What an interesting thing to say! Why would she have said that?” After two more days, the tape came again, but this time, I knew with clarity why my friend had said what she said. It all made sense. My mind was clear and calm, my perspective had returned and I could let the incident go completely.
I was first recommended to Charli after experiencing a traumatic event in my life that I was having trouble coping with. I was in a dark, lonely place and really needed help. Charli changed my life in a way I didn’t think was possible. Through tapping, we were able to process the event and release it with love. After I was feeling better, I continued to work with Charli on attracting the right man into my life and curing my fear of flying. I am happier and healthier today than I’ve ever been in my life and I can thank Charli/tapping for it. Thank you Charli from the bottom of my heart!
I was on pain pills for a back injury when I came to Charli for treatment. I felt warmth in my body and some relief from pain. To my surprise, the pain continued to diminish and by the end of the week I no longer had to take pain medication. The session with Charli was the impetus I needed for my healing.
Charli’s house clearing was a memorable day for me. I was impressed by the care, attention and expanded intuitive abilities that she showed in my space. Not only did the energy in the house feel lighter, uplifted and free of old stuck stuff after her work, but so did I.
We experienced an immediate release of environmental tension following the clearing. The space felt lighter and much more peaceful. I have been sleeping better and deeper than I can remember. The sense of restlessness is gone. Beyond the energetic aspects, the advice and wisdom of those involved has brought a new perspective to my way of thinking and being. It is fair to say that our lives have been thoroughly enriched from the experience.
What a blessing you are in my life. Thank you! I’m so excited to move to our new home filled with light, love, and so many beautiful intentions. Thanks for clearing it out and making space for all the good stuff! Aloha.
After being in my new house for several months, I still did not feel at home. I hung out on the porch while Charli did a distance clearing. The house began to feel lighter, softer, warmer. Since that afternoon, I have felt like I am at home in a place that is loving, peaceful for me, my family and my friends.
Thank you for attending to my home and land—the house feels bigger, lovely, spacious and comforting. The other piece that continues to grow is the burst of creative energy!!! Plus focus to attend to projects that have been waiting for me. This feels great! Exciting!
I’ve had this incredible turnaround since I started the abundance series with you. I had been filled with nothing but fear and dread because of my debt; what amazed me was realizing how strongly my beliefs about myself had been affecting my financial situation. As we did EFT on my old stuff (thank you for being so non-judgmental), my perception of myself changed, my anxiety dissipated, and the most incredible things started to happen: I have now built a savings account to take care of extras, I’ve consolidated my debt at a very low rate, and I just got a big, unexpected bonus at work! This process was so empowering.
I would invite anyone who doesn’t believe they have anything new to uncover or learn about how they relate to money to try a few tapping sessions with you. It’s an amazing gift to give to yourself. I know I will never be the same. I am moving forward gratefully and gracefully with this new knowledge…excited about what is happening in my life. Thank you for sharing this gift with me. You are incredibly special: your work, wisdom, presence, patience, kindness, and compassion have changed me. Knowing and working with you has been life-transformative.
I have never encountered such an effective catalyst for change in me as EFT, as facilitated by Charli. Her trust in the unfolding of the process, coupled with deep listening and fruitful inquiry, are gifts. Halfway into the Tapping into Wealth series, she has already helped me reach a profound understanding of blocks I’ve created or gathered along the way which have been preventing me from fully flourishing in surprising areas in my life. Oh yes, everything is connected!
My heartfelt thanks to you for being compassionate and for listening. You have an excellent way of staying on track and delving into the “muck.” You’ve assisted me more than you’d ever know. I am very grateful on so many levels to have made this commitment. I sincerely appreciate your gentle guidance and tremendous support.
Tapping into Wealth has been life changing in regards to my confidence. Before, it seemed too dangerous for me just to be me. Through the processes, I’ve learned that I need to have the courage to be vulnerable. Because of this, I am now able to express myself and to allow love in. I no longer feel guilty, arrogant or judgmental about what I believe I’m worth. It’s important to promote my company and promote myself. It’s just a fact that I am good at what I do and that I can get paid well for my expertise. This is an incredible change for me.
I already trusted Charli completely as a Reiki Master, with all of the gifts that she brought to that work, so I then felt safe talking about my deepest money fears. She dove deep with me on intimate issues of self-worth, fear, anger and loss. She helped me align my head and my heart around my financial success. She effectively guided me through the tapping process to plumb rich material and to tap my way into clarity. She is a compassionate, informed and supportive resource. Charli is someone whom I highly recommend.