Imagine what your life,
your work, your business
will be like if…
- You have twice the confidence that you do now.
- Instead of procrastinating, you easily take action and even have fun getting “the list” accomplished.
- Life no longer feels hard; you are living in the flow, feeling supported and in your power.
While I can’t zap you with a magic wand and make these things happen, I can do something almost as powerful: systematically, over a series of sessions, I can help you uncover your inner blocks to experiencing abundance and ease in your life, and clear this resistance by Tapping into Wealth with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques).
How does this work?
Together we discover the unconscious patterns which over time have been hard-wired into your nervous system and are holding you back. Using EFT, lightly tapping on a series of meridian points while acknowledging your truth, we are able to rewire your nervous system to support your aspirations. Once we transform the old patterns of self-sabotage, you access a level of courage, creativity and brilliance that you never knew was available. When your inner world deeply shifts like this, your outer world reflects the change by revealing opportunities and resources to create the life you desire.
I would love to be your guide to a powerful shift in your relationship with yourself, abundance and life.
Intro session: Free*
Package: 8 sessions $897
Schedule/Inquire | Pay Online
Sessions are via phone or in office
–2 months weekly or 4 months biweekly—
most run 1.25 hours.
Want to continue to explore more deeply?
Sign up for another series of 8 sessions.
* An intro session helps us both assess whether this process is a good fit for you.
My heartfelt thanks to you for being compassionate and for listening. You have an excellent way of staying on track and delving into the “muck.” You’ve assisted me more than you’d ever know. I am very grateful on so many levels to have made this commitment. I sincerely appreciate your gentle guidance and tremendous support.