When: Wednesdays, 7 – 8:30 pm
7 weeks, April 5 – May 17, 2017
Where: Via teleconference
Bonus: 2 private sessions
($250 value)
Cost: $497 per person
(maximum 6 people)
As we grow older, does our eyesight have to decline?
Over the course of eight weeks, we will explore how our beliefs about our eyesight play into how our eyes function, and how the stress and emotions held in the eyes affect how we see. We will use Tapping (EFT) to release negative beliefs, to program in healthier beliefs, and to release stress and emotions impacting our eyes. This process will require a commitment of time and a willingness to explore emotions—and while I can’t guarantee that your eyesight will improve, you will at least be able to see your situation more clearly.
You will learn how to do Tapping, an easy-to-learn meridian modality that quickly reduces stress. Each week you will be given an energy exercise to de-stress your body and eyes, along with Tapping homework. A daily commitment of a minimum of 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening is suggested.
This class is based on the work of two experts in their fields: Improve Your Eyesight with EFT by EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) innovator Carol Look, and Yoga for Your Eyes by Meir Schneider. Using these two resources in combination with energy relaxation tools, I was able to improve my near-, far- and night-vision acuity; I look forward to sharing this same potential with you.
Please call Charli at 207-310-4119
to discuss and register if this is the best class for you
and if Charli is the best provider for you.
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