EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as “Tapping” or “EFT Tapping”) is a powerful meridian modality, a blend of acupressure and gentle inquiry. Lightly tapping with a couple of fingers on specific acupressure points while acknowledging your thoughts and feelings, can quickly clear imbalance from your nervous system and body. EFT calms the amygdala, the part of your brain that triggers the stress response (flight, fight or freeze) and it quickly lowers the level of stress hormones in your body. It moves you to the part of your brain where creative thinking, problem solving and the ability to see the bigger picture and your possibilities come on line.
I’ve had this incredible turnaround since I started the abundance series with you. I had been filled with nothing but fear and dread because of my debt; what amazed me was realizing how strongly my beliefs about myself had been affecting my financial situation. As we did EFT on my old stuff (thank you for being so non-judgmental), my perception of myself changed, my anxiety dissipated, and the most incredible things started to happen: I have now built a savings account to take care of extras, I’ve consolidated my debt at a very low rate, and I just got a big, unexpected bonus at work! This process was so empowering.